This New Space Kicks Off an Events Renaissance
As events across the country get back into full swing, and the meaning of events for all industries shift, the new Summit expansion at the Seattle Convention Center couldn’t be better timed. Prior to COVID, Seattle’s conference circuit was already growing beyond its capacity, costing the city over $2 billion in lost potential revenue. While demand for event space decreased during the worst of the pandemic, it’s roaring back and will soon go beyond it.
NWES is One of the First Shows to Reach the Summit

With the space open January 25th, 2023, The Northwest Event Show will be only the 4th show to be hosted here. We’re thrilled to help kick it off, not only bringing event professionals together to network and show their stuff, but also in effect advertising this new world-class venue for many of them to consider hosting their own events down the road.
What Does The Summit Have?

Designed by LMN Architects, The Summit expansion at Seattle Convention Center is a massive, state-of-the-art facility. It’s also America’s first high-rise convention center. The $1.2 billion addition to Seattle’s classic Arch adds 1.5 million square feet of mixed use space through its connected tower, retail space, and of course its events building. It has enough room and supplies to service up to 13,000 people, and has over 9000 hotel rooms within a 6 block radius of it—perfect for bringing lots of people to the area. So what’s it got?
Event Space

The Summit adds 570,000 square feet of event space throughout the main building’s 4 stories. This includes 149,000 square feet of heavy load exhibit space with direct, drive-in access, which is where the Northwest Event Show will be hosting major attractions like the Tech Zone, and where exhibitors can bring major displays and experiential setups. This is serviced by 18 covered loading bays, making it easy for vendors from across the West Coast to bring their awesome exhibitions in.
There’s also 140,000 square feet of naturally lit lobby space, providing room for even more booths.
The outdoor Garden Terrace provides another 14,000 square feet of fresh air, ideal for snacks, drinks, and conversation in the crisp northwest springs and beautiful summers.
Meeting Space
On the 3rd level of The Summit, there’s 99,000 square feet of carpeted meeting space, which can be broken up into 62 breakout rooms for speaking and education sessions, plus smaller meetups.
Keynote and Afterparty Space

On the 4th and top level of the event building, there’s the Ballroom, which covers 58,000 carpeted square feet. It’s where the NWES will host its Keynote Speaker and Welcome reception.
The Summit is LEED Platinum Certified at a minimum—but that’s just for starters. For famously green Seattle, this brand new premier event space is a showcase of all its values. Solar panels cover the roof, reducing energy usage by 30%. Ceiling tiles throughout the building are made from sustainable materials. Reclaimed wood hangs in the sprawling ballroom.
Plus, two on-site dehydrators can take any unused food from the massive events that will be hosted here and reduce its volume and weight by 90%, before turning it into fertilizer and continuing its lifecycle.
What The Summit Means for the Seattle Area at Large

The Summit is more than just an expansion—it signifies a major investment into Seattle’s downtown core, and solidifies its position as a world class city for events, business, innovation and more. With this second massive event space so close to the original Arch building, one of Seattle’s biggest challenges—booking too many events—is solved. Now events can be simultaneous or staggered, allowing nearly year round events and bringing in millions more in revenue.
Built at the intersection of Downtown, Denny Triangle, Capitol Hill and First Hill, the Summit takes up the equivalent of 4 city blocks. All along the way, it adds pedestrian walkways which connect its vibrant Capitol Hill neighborhood to the Downtown core, and adds retail and restaurant space along with public outdoor spaces. Not only does this increase safety and cleanliness in the area, but it also creates a more beautiful city with artwork lining the building and its walkways.
The expansion and the events it’s expected to bring will add 2300 new jobs to the area, too.
Come Check it Out Yourself!
We can describe it all day, but you really have to see the space for yourself! Whether you’re exhibiting, sponsoring, or attending, we can’t wait to show you what this new venue can do!