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Leading in a time of crisis is never easy, but there has rarely been a time where business leaders are universally managing in crisis. Remote working, the Great Resignation, economic challenges, cost challenges, supply chain issues, and the impact of technological advancements, such as AI create managerial challenges perhaps as challenging as ever before. And yet, ever-increasing financial expectations to meet investor and shareholder demands create an unprecedented level of stress, putting entire organizations in constant survival mode. How can leaders possibly survive, let alone thrive in such an environment? With the mindset that one should never waste a good crisis, this is actually the perfect time to reassess something that is long, long overdue: The fundamental role of the leader. This is because the widely accepted belief that a leader’s job is to hit targets and manage their numbers is actually magnifying the crisis. Paradoxically, it’s this myopic obsession with financial performance that will ultimately damage profitability and end up creating an even greater crisis. Instead, now is the exact time to view the leader’s role in an entirely different light, which is that leaders are primarily responsible for creating and sustaining a high performance ecosystem that exceeds expectations consistently. The key insight is that leaders should stop managing the outputs, such as business results, and instead focus on the inputs, such as culture. 

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